Friday, May 22, 2009

One gone

The clattering of the new hatchlings made it apparent, that when a person stood at the end of the road, there was a nest almost directly overhead. However, that nest now appears to be abandoned, and I wonder if this was a result of its proximity to all the neighborhood disturbances--and viewers like me.


Lee said...

Hi Lucia,

Lee Gulyas from Bellingham here. Great documentation, and you're right about the paradox of awareness. We've got a similar situation here-abandoned nest last year, but the herons have returned and the city has requested people stay away. Are we capable of that? Anyway, here's a link to the City of Bellingham website. We're lucky here because the land isn't privately owned. But the threat is still there (us).

Osprey said...

Is this the page?

Lee said...

Yes, that's the link.

Lucia Perillo said...

Hi Lee: I am reading in B-ham on the 31st, at Village Books. 4 pm I rhink.